2011年3月23日 星期三

POE 802.3at 802.3af 標準,AP1131AG AP1142N Power 需求

802.3at (PoE+) (up to 30W per port)

802.3af (up to 15.4W per port)



AP1131#sh power inline f0/1
Interface Admin  Oper       Power       Device                    Class Max
--------- ------ ---------- ------- ------------------- ----- ----
Fa0/1     auto   on               12.2    AIR-LAP1131AG-T-K9  3     15.4
Interface  AdminPowerMax   AdminConsumption   
                      (Watts)                    (Watts)          
---------- --------------- -------------------- 
Fa0/1                 15.4                      15.4


AP1142N#sh power inline g0/1
Interface Admin  Oper       Power        Device                Class Max
--------- ------ ---------- ------- ------------------- ----- ----
Gi0/1     auto   on               15.4    AIR-LAP1142N-T-K9   3     15.4
Interface  AdminPowerMax   AdminConsumption
                      (Watts)                     (Watts)
---------- --------------- --------------------
Gi0/1                 15.4                 15.4
